Friday, October 29, 2010

Home Alone…

Being a home schooling Mum it is not often that I get to spend time alone, but here I am sitting in my very quiet peaceful house and wondering just what I will do with myself today? Washing? Ironing? Cleaning? Vacuuming?  or Quilt? Um…

Anyway while I’m pondering my options check out this geranium in my garden…100_6553 (935 x 702) Isn’t that colour gorgeous! 100_6559 (708 x 532) Can you see the taps amongst the daisies?100_6562 (702 x 934) The compost bins are finally done!100_6568 (935 x 702) And our first broccoli, can you see it? No it’s there look closer…100_6569 (935 x 702) See I told you it was there!100_6567 (935 x 702)Just a small corner of the vege garden. We thought we would try growing potatoes in tyres this season.

100_6564 (935 x 702) My washing is out.100_6551 (935 x 702) And Curly the lamb sunning herself.100_6552 (935 x 702) And Minty wondering if he’s going to get fed again!

Well that’s it for Farmyard Friday today, I may be back later with some quilty stuff to share, I hope!


Nicky said...

Beautiful photos - your broccoli is at least recognisable as such, mine are so small that you couldnt' be sure what they are yet! Very happy looking lambs you have there too.

Bev C said...

Hello Michelle,

Oh I do love looking at New Zealand blogs,everthing is always green. Minty is growing so fast. You will be eating your broccoli before you know it.
Happy days.